Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Beautiful Night in San Antonio

My husband Joseph and I spent twilight on the river admiring the  illuminated fish. I had been wanting to study the fish with my camera for a couple of weeks. I put my setup on a narrow pedestrian bridge.  Unfortunately a family walked by, and my camera, still on the tripod, tumbled to the ground with a sickening crunch. The camera was okay but the lens, having taken (Thank God!!!!) the brunt of the fall, was toast. I bought the lens used....but it had become one of my favorites.
I want to go back to finish my study. Next time I will have a cooler lens and a stricter security system. But, you know...the evening was not lost. I was with my Joseph so...all in all it was a beautiful night.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Creatives in the Family

Aerial Photography of Japan's Tsunami
Billy Cobham's "Heather"

My father Billy Cobham wrote the composition  called "Heather". He wrote it in 1973 while on tour with the Mahavishnu Orchestra in Japan and  recorded it on the "Crosswinds" album a few months later. Dad says, "What is ironic about the use of this piece is I wrote it while sitting down not 100 meters from the Atomic Dome and museum in Hiroshima, the site of another disaster of cosmic proportions".

My Sister Kury

I come from a wonderful line of creatives. Introducing my sister Kury.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

This is a compilation of photos. Some were taken quite recently for a photojournalism composition assignment for Dr. Lo. A few were taken last semester. I am learning a lot and had a blast creating these images. I shoot now almost everyday and am slowly improving. These photos have really low resolution but I hope you can still enjoy them. Shalom.

Redemption Song Playing For Change